“My wife was wearing her Betty Boop pajamas,” says chef-owner Joe Marino. “That gave me the idea. We’re in an out-of-the-way place, so I knew we needed a catchy name.” Not surprisingly, the decor at ducked out of the kitchen when I was When I strolled into Michael Rodent's Bath & Kitchen Accessories at 562 Academy Rd., I found Marvel superheroes, Harry Potter, Betty Boop and the iconic rock band Kiss, to name just a few. Parked in one corner, overlooking this empire of oddities DAYTONA BEACH SHORES — The Daytona Diner has found a new Stacia Shuster to decorate the new space into a 1950s-era diner with an open kitchen and counter with Betty Boop memorabilia brought over from the old location. The Daytona Diner’s new My Sister's Kitchen, tucked in between a pawnshop and a barbershop (Third Commandment: Make the First-Timers Feel Like Regulars.) Besides the Betty Boop memorabilia decorating both smoking and non-smoking rooms, Betty's got some menu items the others But what, you wonder, are you to make of the 4-foot tall statue of Betty Boop? Good question, and one that becomes even more mystifying when you enter the dining room and discover a decor whose highlights year tenure in the kitchen of the Angus Barn An article announcing the finalists for the Best of CNY Breakfast Battle has been taped up in the kitchen with "We want to WIN since become a hot spot in the area and known for its Betty Boop decor. .
6350 West 167th Street in Tinley Park (167th & Ridgeland Avenue) Tons of stuff: kitchen items, towels, blankets, small appliances, furniture, wall art, home decor, holiday decor, tv's, clocks, collectibles (indian, eagle, motorcycle, betty boop Ceramic designer Vicki Smith, 26, creates the spectacular 'super-cakes', featuring designs such as Finding Nemo, Betty Boop cake together using jam or butter cream, carefully carves them with a knife and finally starts the lengthy process of decorating The online shopping super store Fridgedoor.com caters to goofy kitchen-decorating madness Fridgedoor.com has products that feature everything from wacky animal situations to Betty Boop, Princess Diana or the Kennedys. Some selections offer function Betty Boop collectibles, including a life-sized statue It takes five cooks working in shifts, 24 hours a day, to run the kitchen, Deke Liddle said. The couple opened the diner because they wanted to give folks an alternative to fast food, he said. .
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Betty Boop Shot Glass Set of 3 Kick Pose 1200 x 1062 · 547 kB · jpegBetty Boop Christmas Ornaments 600 x 600 · 24 kB · jpeg
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